Volunteer Opportunities

The HHK/SR Rec Baseball & Softball Leagues are 100% volunteer managed and run. Please consider helping out. Coaching requirements are below. 

Volunteer Coaching Requirements

Thank you for volunteering to be a coach!  While certification requires a small time commitment, it is worth noting that the following certification requirements are needed and accepted by other local youth sports programs as well, should you decide to coach multiple sports.  

The Ho-Ho-Kus and Saddle River Recreation Commission requirements to become a Ho-Ho-Kus and Saddle River Volunteer Coach are as follows:

Rutgers SAFETY Certification
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All Volunteer Coaches are required to complete the Rutgers SAFETY Certification.

The Recreation Commission requires all volunteer coaches to be safety certified prior to coaching in the Ho-Ho-Kus and Saddle River Leagues. This certification must be submitted and kept on file in the Recreation Director's office.  Go to The Rutgers SAFETY Clinic for a list of certification clinics in the area and to sign up.

Background Check
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All Volunteer Coaches are required to undergo a Criminal Background Check.

HHK/SR requires criminal background checks EVERY 3 YEARS for volunteers involved with Borough’s sponsored programs or services involving minors.  Click here to download the background check instructions.  If you aren’t sure if your background check is still in good standing, please email hhksrplayball@gmail.com 

Heads Up: Concussion Training
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All Volunteer Coaches are required to be trained in the prevention and treatment of sports-related concussions and other head injuries among student-athletes

Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports  – an online concussion training for coaches through the Center for Disease Control is required for all volunteer coaches  https://headsup.cdc.gov/

Rutgers SAFETY and Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports certificates of completion must be sent to the association at hhksrplayball@gmail.com in order to be cleared to coach.